
26th of March, 2013


Try not to raise your voice even the dearest people in your life, so that they may suffer for your lack of courtesy. It is very important to use a communication mode calmer, more tolerant, not get mad at every step, so that you can arouse home through a real crisis aggressive and hyper-critical attitude. Although you have many things you do not agree, try to present it in a more polite. Family, everything can be solved if everyone remembers diplomacy.


If you fail to put the agreement in the group that you are part of, it's hard to believe that you can build something together. If each one of you thinks only he is right, it is clear that it will reach the conflicts of interest and pride. Make an effort to gather everyone around a common idea in which everyone thinks without going to argue at every trifle. There is a common point which deserves further explored, and on account of which was embroidered work from which everyone has something to learn and won, giving up the contradictions and disputes.


Do you feel stuck in a dead end from which nothing seems to even budge. It does not hurt to take a break in your greatest plans and to give up at least for one day the dreams far too high. If you detach a bit of your goals, you can find more lucid what you get back. Do not turn a dream into an obsession, as you begin to cut your own enthusiasm when they show the smallest obstacles. Relax and you do not run so fiercely towards a single goal, tying all your hopes for him, but discovers about other things that deserve attention.


You have to be realistic and just in appreciation and not let yourself influenced by stories tear. Some may go to your sensitive string to overlook their deviation from the rules, but you don’t have to accept it. You could create a precedent that others could benefit, as such, if it comes to law, truth and justice do not discount any second. You can use this vigilante spirit to fight for the most disadvantaged and have no strength to fight for themselves!


It gives you a chance worth fully recovered but you're not the only one targeting the same purpose. Arises fierce competition to grab prize, so get involved body and soul, because you likely to get it. Each puts in play other qualities, but your strength is not about aggression, nor excess energy, but the ability to remain calm and sober throughout the confrontation of forces. You will gain through openness and adaptability!


Time weighs something very special for you but not because you're close to a happy event that you wait with baited breath, but because you know that you're going to a difficult moment that you hardly want to avoid. You are trying to lengthen the hours as possible because you do not want the confrontation from which you have expectations not at all positive. But only sit and turn the situation on all sides overwhelmed by pessimism, you better use this space to divert all to something better!


Good things appear by surprise, so you must act quickly to take advantage of. A great chance pass by your way today, but if you do not get ready to attack, you may drain through your fingers and let someone else to get their hands on it. Watch the best opportunities that arise where you are not expecting on and do not hesitate if they are offered to you, because success depends greatly on your ability to react spontaneously. It appears and you get the chance and have exploited it quickly!


How good you feel in the company of people you love. Now feel the most intense friendship, sympathy, true affection, that will give each other the most solid evidence of this. When you see a smile on the face of who you keep company, it's clear that they enjoy your presence and want to do everything together. It is a perfect day to socialize, to go out with friends, to make or receive visits, because exchanging greetings is at its peak.


You are more discreet and you do not feel the need to brag to everyone with what you do. You get the job done without much fuss, perhaps because you're not really sure what you're doing. You do an activity that you do not manage perfectly, but with a touch of uncertainty, as if every moment you could be wrong. This is useful caution, that keeps you away from any error. If you submit more than pathos, be sure that you make mistakes in haste and negligence.


Be open to dialogue, even if you do not get too interesting discussion. Even from the absolutely banal exchange of views, it will emerge information that will play a role in solving the problems of the day, so do not ignore just because some conversations revolve around matters of routine. Pass through a place where you do not expect too much, such as a simple pass through the market or bus station, but exactly in that place you meet a person whose appearance excites you and gives you something new.


You do not know what to do, if you get involved in the action that opens in front of you or sit on the sidelines, waiting for a better time? Something tells you that it's not to your advantage, but it would be better to wait for a while to see what happens, although those on the edge you require more involvement. You should start something new today, something that will ask of you a great investment of energy, but you consider that it would be better to wait. When you're tired, it's not appropriate to force a start.


Even you start to have doubts about the chances of success of a plan which, before, you had high hopes. Something that damages the initial optimism appears and you start finding faults everywhere. Guilty is the entourage who, instead of encourage and support you in what you have proposed, influence you with sad stories, criticism and a tension from which is also normal to be born doubt that you will get at the end. Continue with your head up!

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